I bet he's jealous about the new friend! Episode 6 Yours, Mine and Mine (6.1) Patrick: Uh, I'm not home right now! Please leave a message! Beeeep. Halibut! My clothes! This was no random sea quake, Who could have done this? Why, there was no one here except.Gary. WHOA!! My library! And my prized memoirs of T.S. Oh well, what are you gonna do? That's unusual. Spongebob: Huh? What's this? Must have been a sea quake last night. Now will you let me sleep, Gary, please? Good night. Spongebob: Gary! Shame on you! Puffy Fluffy is perfectly harmless. I can rest so peacefully, now that Gary's got a good pal they could play with. Store Owner: Why bother? They never listen. especially around other pets! SpongeBob: Yeah, yeah, yeah, thanks, bye. Store Owner: Beware, boy, this is no ordinary pet! SpongeBob: Oh, Gary's gonna be so happy! Store Owner: You must understand. Health inspector? Model Sponge (4.2) Episode 5 Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful (5.1) A Pal for Gary (5.2) SpongeBob: I'll take that one right there! Store Owner: You wish to have one of my rare and extremely dangerous. Krabs/Plankton: Oh, no! Did somebody call the Health inspector? Health inspector: Did somebody call a. The brain! Plankton: Hi, friend! "Superficial Greetings"? What kind of idiot.? -"Personal Opinions"? "Knock-knock Jokes"?! No, no, no, no! This is all useless! Episode 4 Greasy Buffoons (4.1) Mr.

If I'm going to get the Krabby Patty recipe. Plankton: Enough with these petty carnal senses. Krabs: THE SECRET TO THE KRABBY PATTY FORMULA IS.! Plankton: OW!!! I hate my life! Krabs: The secret to the Krabby Patty formula- SpongeBob: What? Mr. Krabs: The secret of the Krabby Patty formula is- Plankton: Jackpot! Spongebob: Huh? Mr, Krabs: I said- SpongeBob: Could you speak a little louder, please? Mr. Stuck in the Wringer (2.2) Episode 3 Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy (3.1) The Inside Job (3.2) Plankton: Let me see what I can tune in here. and I hate you, too! Episode 2 Growth Spout (2.1) Cracker: What am I, chopped liver? Offscreen voice: No, that's what I am. Twin Sisters: I told you it was a stupid idea. Twin Sisters: We're tiny, we're cuddly, we're bubbly, wubbly, huggly! Talent Agent: That was very cute, girls! In fact, it's too cute. I ♥ Dancing (1.2) Squidward: That is the stupidest dance I've ever seen. Squidward: Patrick, just how dumb are you? Patrick: It varies.

3.1 Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy (3.1).If it weren't for the enormous bursts of unhinged creativity and laugh-out-loud comedy from the minds of the writers, SpongeBob may never have solidified himself as a children's pop culture icon. A large bulk of episodes really made their mark in the first two seasons, paving the way for everything that would follow later. This list has been updated to showcase a few more wacky and outrageous episodes featuring everyone's favorite irresponsible sponge and friends. Updated on August 23rd, 2021 by Derek Draven: The long-running SpongeBob Squarepants has enough funny episodes in its roster to keep fans going for days, and there's no shortage of laughs to be had. They're worth checking out for fans who haven't seen the earlier seasons, or for those who need a hilarious trip down Bikini Bottom memory lane. These are the episodes that have stood the test of time as some of the wackiest, most outrageous, and laugh-till-it-hurts romps in the entire series. RELATED: 10 Best Musician Guest Stars On Spongebob Squarepants It's hard to find an episode that doesn't bring the laughs, but certain ones stand above the rest as the absolute funniest, and it remains to be seen if future seasons will be able to top them. SpongeBob SquarePantshas been making both kids and audiences laugh for years now, thanks to its offbeat brand of slapstick humor and slick writing.