228 sunquest tanning bed
228 sunquest tanning bed


The white wire of a cable by code will need to be recolored black, or red or any color but gray or green (or white). If this is cable not individual wires you can use it on a two pole 20 amp breaker for the tanning bed. There is #10 cable or wire used on 30 amp circuits (120v and 240v). Not really any such thing as "220v 30 amp" wire. Or will the 30 amps not work if the tanning bed is 20 amp?(sorry if my wording of all this isn"t correct, lol) Can we use the same wire if we change the receptacle/outlet?. So we recently ran a 220v 30amp wire with a single pole breaker for my mom"s camper to plug into when she is here. Can you post a picture of the plug on the cord? Most likely Nema 6-20R but different sites list different receptacles. Finding conflicting information regarding the necessary receptacle. You will need a 240 volt 20 amp circuit (2 pole breaker). Just for info:220v = volts60 = Hertz2860 = Power or Watts12 = Current or ampsPF = power factor (not really important in your case)Phase = 1 (not 3 phase) A 15 amp breaker and #14 wire/cable would also work but #12 will give you a little more "room" The outlet should be a 240v(250v) 15 or 20 amp configuration and should match the cord. Based on your info, "I" would be current/amps (12) so I would recommend a 20 amp breaker and #12 wire/cable. To get 240 volts you will need a 2 pole breaker and 3 wires: Hot, Hot, and Ground.

228 sunquest tanning bed

If you are in the US, and this is a house with a normal electrical service (not a condo or apartment) you will have 120/240 volts available.

228 sunquest tanning bed